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Trypan blue (trade name MembraneBlue, VisionBlue) is a vital stain used to selectively color dead tissues or cells blue. Live cells or tissues with intact cell membranes are not colored. Since cells are very selective in the compounds that pass through the membrane, in a viable cell trypan blue is not absorbed; however, it traverses the membrane in a dead cell. Hence, dead cells are shown as a distinctive blue color under a microscope. Since live cells are excluded from staining, this staining method is also described as a dye exclusion method. This dye may be a cause of certain birth defects such as encephalocele. Trypan blue is commonly used in microscopy (for cell counting) and in laboratory mice for assessment of tissue viability. The method cannot distinguish between necrotic and apoptotic cells. Trypan blue is also used in ophthalmic cataract surgery to stain the anterior capsule in the presence of a mature cataract, to aid in visualization, before creating the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis.
Methylene blue, also known as methylthioninium chloride, is a medication from WHO's list of essential medicines. Upon administration, methylene blue is converted to leukomethylene blue by erythrocyte methemoblobin reductase in the presence of NADPH. Leukomethylene blue than reduces methemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin, thus restoring oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Methylene blue is also used as a dye for various diagnostic procedures, for treatment of ifosfamide toxicity and for in vitro staining. Historically, it was used as a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy for topical treatment of dermatologic or mucocutaneous infections, as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, but these applications are no longer approved. Methylene blue is investigated in clinical trials for treatment of septic shock and Alzheimer's disease.
Ferric chloride is a compound used as a food additive, a haemostatic or treatment for hypochromic anaemia. Ferric chloride induced vascular injury is a widely used model of occlusive thrombosis that reports platelet activation and aggregation in the context of an aseptic closed vascular system. Iron i.v. ferric chloride (960 mg) has being shown to be effective in correcting anaemia in HD patients with iron deficiency.
INN:hydromethylthionine [INN]
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L-MTX is a second-generation tau protein aggregation inhibitor. It acts by reducing levels of aggregated or misfolded tau proteins, which are associated with the progressive neurodegeneration. It is currently under development for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.